Best Diets

Top 10 Diet Reviews with Ratings 2025


The following diets are ranked by effectiveness in losing weight. Eating and dieting is a way of life in America and this list gets down and dirty with some diets that work – for us at least. The following is our opinion of the best most effective diets, picked between a wide variation due to the fact that some people may need sustained long term weight loss – while others may need a quick fix after the holidays or before an important party or event. See the diet comparison and ratings below with a link to the full review of each.

Slow Carb Diet
Protein Rich
Beans a central ingredient
No White Foods
Term: Flexible short to long

Timothy Ferris, author of this book (which is very entertaining) created this diet. It is not your normal low carbohydrate, high protein diet. Yes, it is still high in protein but specific types…read more

Fasting Diet
Lemons, Grade B Maple Syrup central
Term: 4 to 35 days

This diet developed in 1940 by Stanley Borroughs works and not only does it work it gives you tons of great health benefits. I’ve done it several times and so has my brother and father…read more

Fasting Diet
Vegetables and Fruits Juice
Term: Short, Up to 60 days

This diet is similar to the Lemonade fast in many respects except that you can stay on it for as long as you like. The formula is simple, buy a good juicer and start juicing your meals from kale, lettuce, spinach…read more

No Refined Carb Diet
Lean Protein, High Fiber Foods Central
Term: Long Term 3 phase diet

The South Beach diet may be known for its protein intake as a key component but it also calls for plenty of fiber through fruits and vegetables. High fiber and lean protein foods are the most nutritious…read more

Calorie Count
Vegetables, lean protein, whole grains
Term: Short or Long term

The caption on the front of the web site says a lot about the Weight Watchers diet, “Dont eat less, eat smart.” This diet is best for those wanting a structured program. It has the PointsPlus program which allots points…read more

No wheat, barley, rye diet
Term: Long Term
Meals Daily: Normal

Though not really a weight loss diet some people may find that they have gluten intolerances without even knowing it. If a person is intolerant to gluten they will likely experience bloating…read more

Nutrisystem Diet  7.5/10

Planned meal diet
Term: 28 days or longer
3 meals plus shakes

As with most mass market, the claims on this diet are about how to take the weight off gradually and keep it off – except they have Janet Jackson as their spokesperson. The food centers on Low Glycemic…read more

Low to no refined foods diet
High Fiber Nutrition foods
exercise daily
Term: Long Term

Though complex and difficult to comprehend at times this is basically a good diet put forth by one of the most respected health clinics in America. It is officially developed by the clinic through research and experience…read more

Get Lean Diet  6.5/10

High Protein, Low Fat Diet
Vigorous exercise (twice daily)
5 to 6 small meals daily
Term: Short term more sustainable

This diet regimen concocted by Stew Smith a former Navy Seal is for those that are really serious about losing weight. One of the recommendations in the diet is eating more meals than normal 5 to 6 per day spaced about…read more

Any Lean Cuisine packaged meals
Calorie Conscious Diet
Term: Long term works best

Though not really a diet I have always found it easy to lose weight by eating pre-packaged meals with limited calories. It prevents cheating. Lean Cuisine has been around…read more


Lane Reid After graduating from the International School of Skin and Nails esthetics program in Atlanta, Lane Reid has diversified herself in the beauty industry over the last 12 years. She is originally from Canada and has been living in Atlanta… See more about Lane

The opinions and views expressed in this article are the author’s. The author of this top 10 diets list is not a doctor. If you have a medical condition – consult with a doctor before dieting.

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