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Best Motherboard

Top 10 Rated Motherboards By Brian Jones The motherboard is one of the most vital components of any computer. It is where the processor, memory, and all of the expansion features like pci slots, SATA connections, and USB connectors. Different motherboards come with different feature sets and varying support for the different types of processors […]

Best Graphics Card

Top 10 Rated Graphics Cards By Brian Jones The graphics card is one of the computer components that will really make or break your machine. Most of the time big box store made computers include integrated graphics. That means there is no part of your computer dedicated to processing video information. That’s okay, but you […]

More Motherboards

ASUS Sabertooth Z77  9/10 Intel Z77 chipset 32GB Max DDR3 1333-1866 MHz memory Supports 2nd and 3rd generation Intel processors 12” x 9.6” This motherboard is pretty similar performance wise to the P8Z77, but this one is all about self-defense. You get Thermal Armor that boosts cooling with two fans that direct hot air away […]


Intel B85 Express Motherboard  8/10 By Brian Jones This MSI motherboard truly qualifies for the budget label. This is going to be for a back to the basics type of computer. It does have a few present day features that we are used to like an HDMI out and the Intel B85 Express Chipset for […]

Gigabyte Z87

Z87 Intel Chipset Motherboard  9/10 By Brian Jones This is a solid motherboard if you are looking to purchase something that is going to give a little more than an average performance. The biggest draw is the Z87 chipset from Intel. That means this board will be able to support the latest 4th generation chips […]


Intel Z77 Chipset Motherboard  9.5/10 By Brian Jones The ASUS P8Z77-V PRO motherboard should satisfy the needs of just about any home computer. This thing will provide the means to make a serious powerhouse of a computer. The features will blow your mind. It will support the latest Intel processors and it has a 32GB […]