Best Creatine Supplement
Top 10 Rated Creatine Supplements 2025
Creatine is a nitrogenous acid that occurs naturally in meats. It helps supply energy to cells in the body, mostly muscle cells. It is contained naturally in the human body as well. Though it’s not an essential nutrient, when taken correctly, it is one of the most useful supplements on the market.
Creatine is THE most researched supplement and it yields some of the best results. It’s cheap, it’s pure, and it’s effective. Creatine will help you become stronger, lift heavier, and have more muscular endurance in the gym.
A more detailed article on creatine and how it can help.
We look at the top 10 creatine supplements of 2012 and help you out with which to chose.
Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder |
Made with Creapure |
ON is one of the most trusted supplement companies and thats for a reason. Pure and tested products, and a long rep of being a good/trusted company. This creatine is simple and has no flashy label. It doesn’t need one. It works and gives results.
Allmax Micronized German Creatine |
Made with Creapure |
This is a nice pure german grade creatine made with Creapure. It’s micronized and is very fine compared to other micronized creatine products on the market. I think this helps a lot in absorption so this is one of my go to creatine supplements.
Six Star Pro Creatine |
Fruit Punch Flavor |
This creatine is on the list because I rarely find a creatine that has a flavor, and a good tasting flavor at that. The fruit punch is flavor is good tasting, and the creatine is a blend of 3 types, monohydrate, phosphate, and pyruvate.
NOW Foods Creatine |
Creatine Monohydrate |
If you don’t care about fancey blends and just want 100% pure creatine monohydrate and no BS, this is a great product from NOW Foods. It’s simple, it’s creatine monohydrate, 100%. Cheap, simple, effective.
Muscle Pharm Creatine |
Proprietary blend of 5 types of creatine |
Muscle Pharm has stepped up their products lately and feature great quality and new science. Their creatine has a blend of 5 different types: Creapure, Creatine AAB, Dicreatine Malate, Creatine Magnapowder, and Con-Cret HCL. It requires no loading phase. It’s also priced reasonable well for being more then just plain old creatine monohydrate. This is the future of creatine.
BEAST Creature Powder |
A blend of “pro” strength creatine |
BEAST has trademarked their own “brnad” of creatine called “CREATURE” which is a blend of 4 creatines: Creapure, MagnaPowder, Creatine AKG, and Creatine Anhydrous. All these together are supposed to be the best acting creatine powders to fuel your muscles most efficiently. It’s got a hefty price tag, but the “pro” blend does work very well.
Prolab Creatine Monohydrate |
Creatine Monohydrate |
This is a good pure 100% creatine monohydrate blend, no blends of multiple types. It’s simple and effective and affordable. Prolab has a good rep behind its products, if you want a simple creatine this it.
Con-Cret Creatine |
No loading phase |
Con-Creat is a new brand of creatine dubbed as the “future of creatine” – using a creatine called Creatine HCI. It’s taken creatine and contains no additives, stimulants, bloating free, and more. It’s new, but a lot of people really like it. I only had a sample, but I loved it a lot. It’s on sale so now is a great time to try it out.
Dymatize Nutrition Creatine |
Creatine Monoyhydrate |
Dymatize makes many “budget” type supplements, but this doesnt mean they are bad ingredients. This is a great affordable 2lb tub of creatine monohydrate and thats it. No BS.
Universal Creatine |
German Creatine Monohydrate |
Universal is a good quality plain old creatine monohydrate supplement. Made with the finest creatine from Germany, it’s a affordable AND high quality product. You wont be disappointed.
Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon |
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The easy way of putting is that creatine is one of the most researched, safe tested, supplements ever. What it can do for you is more then any supplement, and it’s naturally occurring in your body. What is creatine?… [more]
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Filed Under: Creatine • Lifestyle/Health • Supplements
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