Coby MP610-4GBLK Review

4 GB MP3 Player  7/10


Coby MP610-4GBLKIf you need a small portable device with enough memory to hold songs for your workouts, but you can’t spring for an Apple Nano, then the Coby 4 GB Flash MP3 player is a viable alternative. It even includes video, which the Nano doesn’t, although the display is so small at 1.8 inches that it’s limited in its video quality. The display menus and text isn’t as stylish or pretty as more expensive devices, but the overall design looks nice with a shiny metallic button wheel. Syncing the MP3 player with platforms like Windows Media Player is quick and simple, and the FM radio and text files are nice touches. For just $27.99, you’re obviously going to have limited features, but as a music-playing device, this Coby product delivers.


Includes FM radio

1.8-inch color LCD screen

Supports eBooks in TXT format

Syncing is fast with Windows Media Player

Stores up to 1,000 songs and plays them with equalized sound

Metallic circular button interface looks sleek


Screen is too tiny to enjoy video

Overall cheap plastic feel


Steve Holdgren Steve Holdgren is an engineer by trade and has worked for some of the largest energy related engineering firms in the world with his latest stint in Switzerland. He holds a degree is mechanical engineering… See more about Steve
