Steve Holdgren

Steve Holdgren is an engineer by trade and has worked for some of the largest energy related engineering firms in the world with his latest stint in Switzerland. He holds a degree is mechanical engineering and has written extensively about the Televisions for more than 10 years. He practices a disciplined approach to testing and observation when reviewing TVs, but attempts to write in a fun, easy manner that laymen prefer to read. His work has appeared in more than 20 prominent publications including Digital Journal, Consumer Electronics Net, HD Broadcast, The San Diego Tribune, and the San Fransisco Chronicle. His permanent residence is in Burbank, CA.

Some Contributions by Steve

Top 10 HDTVs

Top 10 HDTVs

Our expert TV editors pull together the Top 10 most impressive best quality HDTVs for 2012. Editors noted several factors in helping them decide which HDTVs to include in the list including: 1. Black Level Depth 2. Side Angle Viewing Quality 3. Clarity and Clearness of Images on Screen…[more]

Top 10 Blu-ray Players

Top 10 Blu-ray Players

Blu-Ray players are becoming increasingly more advanced while not surging to ridiculously high prices. Several new models coming out in 2012 offer smart TV viewing options, with the ability to search for movies, apps, and entertainment sites. We selected 10 of the best Blu-Ray players that showed the greatest technological advances and connectivity options. Other features we considered…[more]

Top 10 Home Theater Systems

Top 10 Home Theater Systems

Today more and more families are picking up home theater systems, or “home theaters in a box.” It’s no wonder why—these systems conveniently link surround sound to the TV, sometimes with a built-in DVD or Blu-ray player. As we surveyed the vast selection of home theater systems, including some Panasonic models…. [more]

Top 10 LED TVs

Top 10 HDTVs

Following are the models our electronics category editors JB Burden and Bob Wiley think are great mid-range LED TV choices in terms of the quality/value/price/features equation. We have reviewed these or similar offerings from the manufacturers and we recommend and rated these models …[more]

Top 10 32″- 42″ LCD TVs

Top 10 HDTVs

The small LCD TV category is still very important to the average North American consumer. We’ve included a solid list of the Best LCD TVs for 2012 based on the following qualitative and value criteria: Solid Picture Quality based on…[more]