Should I buy a Playstation 3?


When does the PS4 come out? Is it a good time to buy the PS3 in 2012?

Sony is noted for the long life of their consoles, squeezing out every last drop it can until it releases a new console. We saw the Playstation 2 last 6 strong years, with games STILL coming out after that. With talk about the Playstation 4 and next Xbox coming sometime soon, would it be wise to get a Playstation 3 now? Or just wait for the Playstation 4?

The latest PS3 slim

We think there is no better time to get a Playstation 3 then now. The Playstation 4 (code named Orbis) is believed to be still a while away from release. Rumors have it for a Christmas 2013 release date. With 1.5 years and some odd months until then, you need something to hold you over. The Playstation 3 still has life in it, and games are still coming that you won’t want to miss.

The Playstation has been updated since its original release, deemed as the “fat” PS3. The Playstation 3 slim has been upgrading in size and features since launch. 120GB, 160GB, 250GB, 320GB – many different sizes at very competitive price points give you great control on how serious you want to get in purchasing a PS3. You can currently pick up a smaller 120GBPS3 for just around $200 – which makes the PS3 WELL worth it.

The Old "Fat" PS3 Model Compared to the newer "Slim" model

The Old "Fat" PS3 Model Compared to the newer "Slim" model

The PS3 exclusives alone are a great reason to get one. Killzone, Twisted Metal, Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, Resistance, Little Big Planet, Demon Souls, Heavy Rain, the list goes on and on. Not to mention free online multiplayer, opposed to the Xbox 360s fee based online. Pay for the PS3, a game or two, and your good to go online. No more extra fees.

The PS3 also double as a blu-ray player – allowing you to watch blu-rays in HD on your TV’s. It’s a dual purpose machine that still has life in it. Sony has proven with it’s previous consoles that it can squeeze every last bit of life out of their products.

It has never been a better time to purchase a Playstation 3 then right now. With many different models available at very competitive price points, a huge catalogue of exclusive games, and other great features make this console a must have.

Best PS3 Exclusive Titles

top 10 ps3 exclusives

Our top ten favorite Playstation 3 exclusive titles that have launched on its 6 year run. From FPS’s, to RPG’s, it saw a lot of great titles that you should know about. Especially if you own one. We didn’t really have criteria to base the decisions on other than them being exclusive to the Playstation 3 and great games. Oh, and that it isn’t Call of Duty! Enjoy!… [more]

What is Playstation Move?

What is PS3 Move

The Wii set new standards for motion activated gaming using its highly technical Wii-Mote to allow players to play games physically. Shortly after Xbox 360 launched its Xbox Kinect to compete. Then Sony released its version, the Playstation Move. … [more]

Filed Under: ElectronicsPlaystation 3Video Games