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NewAir AW-181E Review

18-Bottle Wine Cooler  8/10


NewAir AW-181EThe stylish design of this NewAir wine cooler goes well with nearly any home décor. The interior LED light casts a soft blue glow on your wine collection. Five chrome racks hold 18 small bottles; bigger bottles and those with the corks sticking out too far won’t fit as comfortably, however. The digital readout gives the temperature at all times, making it easy to keep your wines at just the right setting. For $187, this NewAir wine cooler will satisfy with its sleek build and capacious interior.


Thermoelectric technology reduces vibrations and noise

Thick glass improves insulation

5 chrome-plated racks

Digital temperature display and push button controls

Gentle LED interior light


Depth won’t fit opened bottles with cork reinserted

Slight buzzing from fan

Brittany Rowland Brittany Rowland researches new developments in Appliances, Kitchen and CE products features with a vigor to which few would aspire… but someone has to do it. See more about Brittany
