Sharp LC-32D59U Review

32”-42” LCD TV  9.5/10


Sharp 32D59U TV
The Sharp LC-32D59U is a hybrid 32” LCD in that it has the latest and greatest LED backlighting, but with 720p resolution (as opposed to the higher 1080p). It has very nice looks with a sharp black frame with clean lines. It has more HDMI inputs with 3 than most 32” TVs on the market. Sharp has been excelling in the making of LCD TVs for 10 years and this model will give you one of the better picture qualities available for the price. Side angle viewing quality is one of the drawbacks. Sound and menu/remote function are very solid. It sells for around $375 online.

Quick Specs

  • 32” Diagonal Picture
  • 30-13-32 x 19-37/64 x 1-47/64
  • 3 HDMI inputs
  • 60Hz

Good all-around picture with bright LED edge lighting

Clean “sharp” looks, much better than 90% of TVs in this size

3 HDMI inputs

USB input


Off center viewing loses contrast at sides

Some haziness in the picture from sides as well

Steve Holdgren Steve Holdgren is an engineer by trade and has worked for some of the largest energy related engineering firms in the world with his latest stint in Switzerland. He holds a degree is mechanical engineering… See more about Steve