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Samsung UN60ES7500 Review

LED-Backlit HDTV  8.5/10


Samsung UN60ES7500This 60” mammoth HDTV has much the same features as the ES8000 model listed above except that 60” size is unique to the ES7500 line. One other significant difference is that it has a lesser quality setup in the Micro Dimming local dimming area with ‘Plus” rather than “Ultimate”. What this means for you, the consumer is less zones in which the LED edge lit lighting controls the TV. This leads to a bit less contrast and detail control in each area. Other than that you still get the very best newest feature in the Smart Interaction Smart TV which allows for facial recognition, voice command control and hand control all enabled by a front facing camera on top of the HDTV.


Powerful strong LED edge lighting for a great picture in bright rooms

Complete set of Internet Smart TV options with tons of Apps

Smart Interaction Smart TV feature allows you to yell at your TV (and get results) and recognizes your face

3D Viewing is active and unsurpassed

3D Glasses are super comfortable

Contrast Ratio is off the charts


Backlight – turning it up too high results in less uniform backlighting

No remote control key for controlling the backlight
