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Bushnell Rangefinder Comparison – What are the differences in Models?

By S. Dee Davis Below is a summary of some of the differentiating features of Bushnell’s golf rangefinders on the market: Bushnell White Medalist Rangefinder -This is a good basic option and low in price at only $249. -Has a 9 volt battery -No slope or OLED lit display -4X Magnification -2 Yr. Warranty -Distance […]

Golf Rangefinder vs. Golf GPS Watch – Which is better? What’s the Difference?

By S. Dee Davis First let’s acknowledge that use of these two products are not mutually exclusive, they have different attributes. There is no reason you could not use both a GPS golf watch which will give you accurate measurements to the front, center, and back of greens and use a rangefinder as well to […]

Are Golf Rangefinders Tournament Legal?

By S. Dee Davis What makes a rangefinder tournament Legal? There is a very simple formula for determining whether a rangefinder is tournament legal or not, even if it is not USGA certified. It should not have distances calculated for slope. Slope is the gradient value of uphill and downhill, and many rangefinders are equipped […]

Best Golf Rangefinder

Top 10 Rated Golf Rangefinders By S. Dee Davis Following are our choices for the top 10 golf rangefinders for the year after some testing and research. We’ve taken price, quality, and value into account when developing these ratings. Rangefinders were tested based on the following factors: 1. Weight 2. Size/portability 3. Ease of use […]

Bushnell Pro 1m

Tournament Golf Rangefinder  9/10 By S. Dee Davis This top of the line model from Bushnell has more ability in distance to the flag than almost any other rangefinder out there at 550 yards and a whole mile for other measurements. It also has enhanced accuracy and displays yardages in a vivid easy to see […]

Bushnell Tour Z6

Tournament Golf Rangefinder  8.5/10 By S. Dee Davis This rangefinder from Bushnell has lots of nice features but the button is extremely difficult to depress and hold down especially with one hand. This also causes a delay in the yardage information being displayed. The button must be held down for a second before getting the […]

Bushnell Tour V3

5x Slope Rangefinder  8/10 By S. Dee Davis This is a smaller rangefinder from Bushnell that is more similar to the Leupolds in operation and design. I like the compact , smaller, lighter design. You must hold the button down a sec before getting the distance reading. It’s not fast. It has a nice scan […]

Bushnell White Medalist

4X Golf Rangefinder  8/10 By S. Dee Davis This is my favorite from best runner up in the price category. One of the best features about this rangefinder and the reason it made our top 10 list is the price at $249 and the weight, it’s nice and light. It has an easy to replace […]

Leupold GX-3i

6X Golf Rangefinder  9.5/10 Another great option from Leupold the GX3i combines some great features with a small, tough, heavy compact design. It has the bright red LED lit display to separate it from the GX2i and also works very fast to display yardage. The included Pinhunter prism lock technology gives exact distance on those […]

Leupold GX-4i

800 Yard Golf Rangefinder  8.5/10 By S. Dee Davis Another Leupold this model is similar to the model listed above but is less customizable. It has 3 selectable aiming reticles: Plus Point, Bracket Circle, Bracket Circle Duplex and its Fog mode can screen out false readings from rain drops or other atmospheric interference in foggy/ […]

Garmin Approach S3 Golf Watch

GPS Wrist Watch Rangefinder  8.5/10 By S. Dee Davis One of the added benefits to the S3 golf watch over the S1 is that this watch can give you yardages to doglegs and layups in addition to the front, middle, and back of green measurements. It’s also much better looking than the S1. Add international […]

Garmin Approach S1 Golf Watch

GPS Wrist Watch Rangefinder  7.5/10 By S. Dee Davis This little gem will run around $179 and give you yardages to the back, middle, and front of the green on thousands of participating courses in the U.S. And Canada. There is no subscription necessary, just purchase the watch and you are ready to go. It […]

Leupold GX-2i

6X Magnification Rangefinder  9.0/10 By S. Dee Davis This is a very nice new rangefinder from Leupold which gives the golfer fast feedback and has lots of options and versatility like customizable adjustments for slope, altitude, termperature, and a proprietary feature called TGR – true golf range. It also has Pinhunter technology for those courses […]