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Best Holiday Gifts

Top 10 Rated Holiday Gifts By Brittany Rowland A lot of us go into the holiday season with no idea of what gifts to get for our family and friends. Take one look at a Wal-mart or Best Buy flyer and the confusion will take a turn for the worse. We put together a short […]

Best Christmas Gifts

Top 10 Rated Christmas Gifts By Brittany Rowland Christmas will be here in no time at all. So be prepared with plenty of ideas for Christmas gifts for your loved ones and friends. We compiled this list based on some of the best rated products on 10rate. Hopefully this will make Christmas shopping a little […]

Best Holiday TV Deals/Sales

By Steve Holdgren We’ve reviewed some of the best Holiday 2012/2013 deals in the TV and HDTV market and come up with the following recommendations. These are typically smaller sized TVs and are recommended based on: 1) Price and Value for Price 2) Reliable Performance 3) Resolution 4) Absence of fancy features (like 3D and […]