Blackberry Playbook 32GB Review

Tablets  9/10


Blackberry Playbook 32GB
While some may sniff at the Playbook making the top 10 list for tablets, give pause for a moment. The Playbook is a very powerful device that runs on WiFi only access and has a stellar display screen,comes with very good sound and is highly portable.

The device didn’t wow enough users, but its ample library of useful apps and the ability to quickly and efficiently read and respond to emails, makes the Playbook a standout, despite the need for Blackberry to put future development of this to rest.

Surfing the Internet is fast and the screen on this tablet is one of the best in terms of color, resolution and swipe response speed. With the 32GB memory you get plenty of storage capacity – more than the others on this list. Finding this tablet may be the difficult part. Recently the $200 version 16GB was de-listed from many retailers.

It had sold out due the the exceptional combination of processing power and price that it offered in a tablet – with the price having been reduced to $200 from $500 plus. We really enjoyed reviewing this tablet.


Fast Swipe Speed/ Touchscreen Response

Powerful Operating System


Adobe Flash

3 Megapixel front facing camera

5 Megapixel back facing camera


No access to Android Apps

Steve Holdgren Steve Holdgren is an engineer by trade and has worked for some of the largest energy related engineering firms in the world with his latest stint in Switzerland. He holds a degree is mechanical engineering… See more about Steve

