Corel Paintshop Pro X4

Photo Editing Software  9/10


Corel Paintshop Pro X4
Powerful and easy to use will always be the first two phrases used to describe this photo editing program. Paintshop Pro X4 has a long list of features that most photographers, serious or not, will find extremely useful on a regular basis. Some of the new features for this version are high dynamic range (HDR) module, new vignette effects, enhanced RAW editing, cloning tools, adjustment layers, a redesigned workspace, shot info panel and a lot more. This is a fantastic example of what photo editing software can be without having to spend hundreds of dollars on features you may not ever use. Corel Paintshop Pro X4 is available for $49.99.

Quick Specs

  • Operating system: Windows 7, Vista, or XP
  • Skill level: intermediate to advanced

A lot of new features added to this version enhance the program greatly

Performance update help the software run much faster than previous versions

Supports many import and export formats

Dual monitor support doubles workspace

Great price for such a useful program


Help features included in the program are lacking

Brian Jones has had a passion for photography and anything related for the majority of his life. One photography class in high school was all it took to get hooked on everything to do with the subject. He became more focused on learning about camera equipment as he experiemented with everything available… See more about Brian
