Babies “R” Us 65

Convertible Baby Car Seat  7.5/10


Babies R Us 65
Babies “R” Us is advertising its own “exclusive” infant car seat, by Safety 1st. The Babies “R” Us Safety 1st Aquos 65 Convertible carries babies from five up to 40 pounds in a rear-facing position, and children up to 65 pounds in the forward-facing position. Its features include a cup holder, a one-hand, three-position base and a five-point harness that adjusts in the front for the child’s height, without needing to rethread.

It’s a fairly heavy seat – compared to the 7 ½ pound Graco SnugRide, this one weighs a whopping 21 ½ pounds. For those who have a hankering to buy specifically at Babies “R” Us and nowhere else, the price is $139.99. Inspecting this seat against other brands, it seems to us to have the average number of features than other brands of car seats. User reviews are mixed, with some saying they love it while others taking the opposite stand and saying they wouldn’t recommend it to a friend.

Quick Specs

  • Weight: 21.5 pounds
  • 28 by 24.3 by 20.7 inches

The seat reclines enough so the child can sleep comfortably and with enough head support.

The straps are easy to install and adjust.


Some say it’s difficult to install the seat in a rear facing position in a small compact car.

Others say when fully reclined, it interferes with the front seats.

The LATCH system makes the seat hard to install because of the angle of the strap, and the harness doesn’t work right.

This seat is heavier than comparable car seats.



Valerie Baldowski is passionate about writing about everything from childrens safety and juvenile products to gardening tools. She is the mother of a high energy 8 year old child so she is accustomed to researching childrens products and services. Her writing and researching began at an early age… See more about Valerie