Lifestyle/Health Archives - 10Rate Expert Product Reviews and Ratings | Best Top 10 Rated Fri, 30 Nov 2012 17:01:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Should Children Play with Smartphones? Fri, 30 Nov 2012 08:16:35 +0000 By

More and more parents today are handing over their smart phones and tablets to their children. Kids are little pros when it comes to pulling up videos, downloading apps, and navigating the other various features of these smart devices. But you have to consider the pros and cons of letting your young ones play with these expensive adult toys.

The good

When you’re on a car trip, waiting for a table at a restaurant, or otherwise doing something a child would find tedious, it’s easy to hand over an electronic device to keep the kid quiet and occupied. Having an electronic babysitter isn’t necessarily a bad thing; it’s just important to establish limits and rules. No toys at the dinner table or church, for instance.

There are educational benefits to letting kids play with smart phones and tablets, too. You just have to know where to find them. Apps designed to help kids with reading, math, and other academic subjects turn learning into challenging games. Anything that makes a child eager to practice the multiplication tables can’t be a bad thing, right? Especially when it means operating a spaceship and saving the planet from aliens (see the game Math Evolve).

Devices like the iPad and Kindle Fire also have undeniable benefits when it comes to children’s books. The wide, vividly colored screens allow you to share the joys of classic picture books with your kids. Some programs have read-along features that help children sound out words so they can learn to read on their own. Older kids can build up their own library of chapter books that they can access anywhere—on car rides, in the doctor’s waiting room, at night in bed.

There’s no denying that this smart technology has worked its way even into the classroom. Today’s children are using the technology that allows for gaming, texting, and online web surfing to discover more about the world around them. While that’s all well and good, there are also some drawbacks to consider.

The bad

Kids have had TVs and computers sucking up their brain cells for years now. Today we add smart phones and tablets to the mix, and you have portable devices that kids will always demand whenever they’re bored. As with any electronic device, too much time spent on the iPad playing Angry Birds or watching videos could potentially make your kid a mini tech addict. Studies have suggested that excessive time spent playing mindless apps could shorten kids’ attention spans.

Another thing you have to remember is that these are kids playing with expensive, fragile devices—adult toys. Unless you’re comfortable with the way your child handles your e-reader or smart phone, allowing for fingerprint smudges, baby slobber, and accidental drops, you may want to limit or supervise their using your tools. That, or invest in a sturdy protective case.

Smart solutions

There’s no barring children completely from smart technology. The see it, they like it, and they want to use it. But there are ways to structure the way kids use your smart phone or tablet so they’re not wasting hours of the day playing Paper Ball Toss.

You can enjoy story time on a smart device, but have a good-sized library of physical books in the house so your children won’t look at them like they’re from another planet.

You can set limits on play time and use smart phones as an incentive for good behavior. When a child does his or her chores, reads so many books, or is nice to a younger sibling, the child can earn play time on an electronic device. This way, both you and your kids stay happy.

Brittany Rowland Brittany Rowland researches new developments in Appliances, Kitchen and CE products features with a vigor to which few would aspire… but someone has to do it. See more about Brittany

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3 Great Supplements For Building Muscle Tue, 13 Nov 2012 09:59:50 +0000 By

Want to get a little UMPH to your work out plan? Maybe you next to get over that hump and start reaching a new level in building muscle. These three supplements will help put your workout routine on a whole new level.

Though nothing can beat good nutrition and a consistent workout plan – supplements when used correctly by healthy individuals can be that extra fuel to put you on a new level.

These three supplements are great to aid your workout plan and can greatly improve results within as soon as one or two workouts. Yes, one or two workouts.

Protein Powder

Protein Powder is the first supplement anyone should think about taking. Many kinds of protein powders exist but the main concept is you guessed it: to provide a big amount of protein in an easy to drink shake.

Protein is essential in any diet and an added protein shake with Whey Protein can help you absorb good solid protein fast – and in a big amount. A great way to make up your macros.

Most protein powders have other ingredients to help with recovery after workouts. A protein shake is convenient, tasty, and provides great nutrition and fuel to make your muscles grow.


Creatine is an acid that occurs naturally in red meats and in the body. It provides energy to the cells in your muscles, hydrating them and keep them full.

An added creatine supplement will help saturate all your muscles with creatine – allowing them to retain more water and in the long run helping you:

a) Lift heavier weight for more reps
b) Look bigger and fuller

The retained water makes your muscles appear bigger while your on creatine (And drink plenty of water) but also has very quick term effects: which includes in increase in short burts activities such as weight lifting.

You will lift heavier and for more reps, within a week of starting supplementing with creatine. A cheap and well researched supplement taken by tons of people.


A Pre-Workout supplement is a great mixable powder to take before your workout. It provides a good blend of caffeine and energy increasing vitamins/ingredients to help you give you a great boost.

Many Pre-Workouts are different – so find the one right for you. A Pre-Workout will provide energy, focus, and stamina in the gym. Think of it like a very strong cup of coffee, but even stronger. It will put you in the zone and give you a great pump.

Speak with a doctor

Of course not everyone has the same body – you should always speak with a doctor before supplementing with anything, to make sure you are healthy enough to take one.

Be smart – and work hard, and get the best results!

Jon Bannister Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon

More on Creatine

What is Creatine? Can it build me muscle?

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The easy way of putting is that creatine is one of the most researched, safe tested, supplements ever. What it can do for you is more then any supplement, and it’s naturally occurring in your body. What is creatine?… [more]

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Protein Powder is a great supplement for someone looking to put on mass or even just get a good extra amount of protein in an easy to drink form. They’re tons of different protein powders on the market and we picked our favorite brands for you… [more]

Can I build muscle with protein powder?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Whey Protein is a special form of protein powder which is a by product from cheese. It gets separated from the cheese and goes through a purification/scientific process to make a dry powder form. It is a supremely good source of protein and called the “gold standard” of protein… [more]

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Protein comes in many different names, blends, and types. How do you know which one is the right one for you?… [more]

Best Pre-Workout

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A pre-workout supplement can make all the difference in the gym when trying to get energy and some. Some are not familiar with pre-workouts and do’nt know what they do, or the power they have… [more]

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Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

Can Creatine Help Build Muscle? Thu, 01 Nov 2012 10:43:15 +0000 The easy way of putting is that creatine is one of the most researched, safe tested, supplements ever. What it can do for you is more then any supplement, and it’s naturally occurring in your body. What is creatine?

Creatine Scientific

Creatine is a nitrogenous acid that occurs in vertebrates naturally. It helps supply energy to cells, mostly cells in the muscle. It’s been known since the 1800s what creatine is, but just recently has it been researched more in depth as a supplement.

When we say recently, think 20/30 years recently. That is new for medicine, but plenty of time to run tests. Creatine is naturally occurring in the human body, and can be obtained through eating meat.

Though it is not an essential nutrient – it excess amounts 2/3 x’s found in the body, it is a great aid in a strength training program.

Creatine as a supplement

Creatine is used by bodybuilders, athletes, wrestlers, and more – mostly to gain muscle mass. With the added amount of creatine – muscles are able to heal faster, and become bigger and stronger.

It is mostly taken in a “micronized” form – like sugar. Mixed in with water or sometimes juice – it is absorbed fast and works wonders almost immedietly. Though pill forms do exist, creatine monohydrate is the most popular way to take creatine (drinking).

Creatine helps..

As you begin to take creatine you will notice some huge results. When taking 4/5 grams daily, after about a week you should notice and increase of activity in the gym.

You will be able to lift heavier weight, do more reps, and workout longer then before. This coupled with the ability to work out harder and longer, will allow you to build more muscle.

You still need to put in the work – creatine just aids in allowing you to lift bigger, heavier, and more.

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Creatine is a nitrogenous acid that occurs naturally in meats. It helps supply energy to cells in the body, mostly muscle cells. It is contained naturally in the human body as well. Though it’s not an essential nutrient, when taken correctly, it is one of the most useful supplements on the market… [more]

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Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

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The term sounds familiar – Pre-Workout – the time before a workout? But a Pre-Workout is actually a type of supplement used before a workout, to give you a huge boost in energy/focus and much more. How can this help you?… [more]

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Best Creatine Supplement Thu, 01 Nov 2012 10:20:51 +0000 Top 10 Rated Creatine Supplements 2024


Creatine is a nitrogenous acid that occurs naturally in meats. It helps supply energy to cells in the body, mostly muscle cells. It is contained naturally in the human body as well. Though it’s not an essential nutrient, when taken correctly, it is one of the most useful supplements on the market.

Creatine is THE most researched supplement and it yields some of the best results. It’s cheap, it’s pure, and it’s effective. Creatine will help you become stronger, lift heavier, and have more muscular endurance in the gym.

A more detailed article on creatine and how it can help.

We look at the top 10 creatine supplements of 2012 and help you out with which to chose.

Optimum Nutrition Creatine Powder  9.5/10

Made with Creapure
Creatine Monohydrate
No Fillers/Additives

ON is one of the most trusted supplement companies and thats for a reason. Pure and tested products, and a long rep of being a good/trusted company. This creatine is simple and has no flashy label. It doesn’t need one. It works and gives results.


Allmax Micronized German Creatine  9.5/10

Made with Creapure
Creatine monohydrate

This is a nice pure german grade creatine made with Creapure. It’s micronized and is very fine compared to other micronized creatine products on the market. I think this helps a lot in absorption so this is one of my go to creatine supplements.


Six Star Pro Creatine  9/10

Fruit Punch Flavor
Creatine monohydrate
Creatine Phosphate
Creatine Pyruvate

This creatine is on the list because I rarely find a creatine that has a flavor, and a good tasting flavor at that. The fruit punch is flavor is good tasting, and the creatine is a blend of 3 types, monohydrate, phosphate, and pyruvate.


NOW Foods Creatine  8/10

Creatine Monohydrate
Free of yeast, wheat, corn, soy, milk additives

If you don’t care about fancey blends and just want 100% pure creatine monohydrate and no BS, this is a great product from NOW Foods. It’s simple, it’s creatine monohydrate, 100%. Cheap, simple, effective.


Muscle Pharm Creatine  9/10

Proprietary blend of 5 types of creatine
No loading phase required
Monohydrate+ other blends

Muscle Pharm has stepped up their products lately and feature great quality and new science. Their creatine has a blend of 5 different types: Creapure, Creatine AAB, Dicreatine Malate, Creatine Magnapowder, and Con-Cret HCL. It requires no loading phase. It’s also priced reasonable well for being more then just plain old creatine monohydrate. This is the future of creatine.


BEAST Creature Powder  9/10

A blend of “pro” strength creatine
4 types of creatine
No loading required
Pre/Post workout

BEAST has trademarked their own “brnad” of creatine called “CREATURE” which is a blend of 4 creatines: Creapure, MagnaPowder, Creatine AKG, and Creatine Anhydrous. All these together are supposed to be the best acting creatine powders to fuel your muscles most efficiently. It’s got a hefty price tag, but the “pro” blend does work very well.


Prolab Creatine Monohydrate  8.5/10

Creatine Monohydrate
Pure Creatine Monohydrate, no blend

This is a good pure 100% creatine monohydrate blend, no blends of multiple types. It’s simple and effective and affordable. Prolab has a good rep behind its products, if you want a simple creatine this it.


Con-Cret Creatine  8.7/10

No loading phase
“Future of creatine”
Creatine HCI
Pre Workout
Different Flavors

Con-Creat is a new brand of creatine dubbed as the “future of creatine” – using a creatine called Creatine HCI. It’s taken creatine and contains no additives, stimulants, bloating free, and more. It’s new, but a lot of people really like it. I only had a sample, but I loved it a lot. It’s on sale so now is a great time to try it out.


Dymatize Nutrition Creatine  8/10

Creatine Monoyhydrate

Dymatize makes many “budget” type supplements, but this doesnt mean they are bad ingredients. This is a great affordable 2lb tub of creatine monohydrate and thats it. No BS.


Universal Creatine  8.8/10

German Creatine Monohydrate
Great quality
100% micronized creatine

Universal is a good quality plain old creatine monohydrate supplement. Made with the finest creatine from Germany, it’s a affordable AND high quality product. You wont be disappointed.


Jon Bannister Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon

More on Creatine

What is Creatine? Can it build me muscle?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

The easy way of putting is that creatine is one of the most researched, safe tested, supplements ever. What it can do for you is more then any supplement, and it’s naturally occurring in your body. What is creatine?… [more]

Other Articles on Supplements

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Can I build muscle with protein powder?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Whey Protein is a special form of protein powder which is a by product from cheese. It gets separated from the cheese and goes through a purification/scientific process to make a dry powder form. It is a supremely good source of protein and called the “gold standard” of protein… [more]

What are the different types of protein?

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Protein comes in many different names, blends, and types. How do you know which one is the right one for you?… [more]

Best Pre-Workout

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A pre-workout supplement can make all the difference in the gym when trying to get energy and some. Some are not familiar with pre-workouts and do’nt know what they do, or the power they have… [more]

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Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

What is a Pre-Workout Supplement? Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:29:12 +0000 The term sounds familiar – Pre-Workout – the time before a workout? But a Pre-Workout is actually a type of supplement used before a workout, to give you a huge boost in energy/focus and much more. How can this help you?

Pre-Workout supplements are a rather new concept in the supplement industry. A Pre-Workout is usually a powder mixed into water/juice before a workout that gives some added benefits:

Improve Performance
Increase Strength
Increase Endurance
Improve Energy
Improve Focus

and a few other benefits. Some people take it for the energy needed when they are tired. Some take it because it gives them a great amount of focus. Some take it because they like the increase in endurance which allows them to workout longer.

Whatever the reason, a Pre-Workout supplement can really aid anyone in a strength training program that involves lifting heavy weight. What exactly do they do?

Lots of Pre-Workouts include some ingredients to aid in all the things listed above, or only a few. A popular ingredient is creatine monohydrate – creatine aids in building muscle/strength.

BCAAs (branched amino acids) are popular in PWOs to aid in muscle growth as well, repairing muscle after being broken down.

Since a huge part of a PWO is energy – caffeine is a very common ingredient. Caffeine is one of the most popular CNS stimulants known to humanity – and its because it works.

Another popular ingredient in a PWO is beta-alanine – an amino acid helps reduce fatigue in muscles as you train, giving you that endurance. It does cause a tingling sensation in the skin – this bothers some people, but gets others pumped up. You can find PWOS without beta-alanine.

Citrulline is another popular ingredient, used to increase blood flow, which in turn makes your body appear more vascular when working out. Also known as a “pump”

A Pre-Workout is not needed. Though it definitely can help, immensely in a weight training program. You should cycle your PWO – take it for 6-8 weeks, then go 2-3 weeks off.

If you want to be in the “zone” every time you workout, work harder, longer, heavier then ever, then look into a PWO. Be sure to consult with your doctor first as some people are very sensitive to stimulants.

Related to Supplements

Best Pre-Workout Supplement

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Top 10 Rated Pre-Workout Supplements A pre-workout supplement can make all the difference in the gym when trying to get energy and some. Some are not familiar with pre-workouts and do’nt know what they do, or the power they have. To find out more about pre-workout supplements and how they can drastically improve performance in… [more]

Best Protein Powder

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Protein Powder is a great supplement for someone looking to put on mass or even just get a good extra amount of protein in an easy to drink form. They’re tons of different protein powders on the market and we picked our favorite brands for you… [more]

Can I build muscle with protein powder?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Whey Protein is a special form of protein powder which is a by product from cheese. It gets separated from the cheese and goes through a purification/scientific process to make a dry powder form. It is a supremely good source of protein and called the “gold standard” of protein… [more]

What are the different types of protein?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Protein comes in many different names, blends, and types. How do you know which one is the right one for you?… [more]

Related to Muscle Building/Training

Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

Best Pre-Workout Supplement Tue, 30 Oct 2012 10:07:38 +0000 Top 10 Rated Pre-Workout Supplements 2024


A pre-workout supplement can make all the difference in the gym when trying to get energy. Some are not familiar with pre-workouts and do’nt know what they do, or the power they have.

To find out more about pre-workout supplements and how they can drastically improve performance in the gym, see this article: What is a pre-workout supplement

We base our top 10 list on a few critera:

1) Ingredients in supplements
2) Price
3) Servings per container
4) Energy Gained
5) Focus Gained
6) Pump Increase
7) Creatine included or not
8) Taste/Mixable
9) Crash or no crash
10) Side Effects/Upset Stomach/etc

A good preworkout can help you immensely – but they aren’t for everyone. Talk to a doctor before you use one – and see our article on what a pre-workout supplement is for.

Craze Pre-Workout  9.8/10

45 Servings per $33 container
Tastes Great, 2 flavors
Insane Focus/Endurance
Small Serving Size
Has Creatine

Craze is a new PWO on the market and it is already one of the most used and favorited pre-workouts on the market. It tastes great, has 45 servings per container, and at $33 per container this is way more then most PWO’s. You want to talk about insane focus and huge increases in endurance – Craze is just what it says, CRAZED. A great PWO for those who are ready to step their game up in the gym.


Jack3D Micro  8/10

About 30 servings per container
No Creatine or Beta Alanine
Tiny Scoops
Clean Energy
Big Pumps
No Crash

Jack3D Micro is another new PWO which is different from their original Jack3D formula. This new one has no creatine or beta alanine in it – which means you won’t get that itching feeling. The energy feels very clean and you will get some great pumps. This is a good clean PWO, it’s great for those who are new to pre-workouts or those who just want something clean.


Muscle Pharm Assault  8.5/10

About 16 Servings (1 full scoop)
30 Servings (1/2 scoop)
Has Creatine/Beta Alanine
Insane Endurance
Great Pump

Muscle Pharm Assault’s new formula and look has made huge improvements. This version of Assault is a hefty PWO with some big ingredients in it. One scoop is huge and you will get a good ratio of beta alanine, creatine (con-CRETE), BCAAS, and much more. It’s a heavy duty PWO that itches more then others on your body – but will take you to the next level in the gym.


C4 Extreme  8.5/10

30 Servings
Has Creatine/Beta Alanine
Increased Energy
No Crash

C4 Extreme is another heavy PWO that will push your focus through the roof. You won’t crash and it will give you a pretty intense beta alanine tingle. For some reason I didn’t get that great of a pump, but that doesnt matter to me. This PWO does have Yohimbine in it – so this PWO is more geared towards people tolerant to caffeine/stimulants.


BSN N.O-Xplode  7.5/10

30 Servings
Has Creatine/Beta Alanine
Great pumps!
Good endurance/energy

NO Xplode is a simple PWO that has been around for a while. NO Xplode will do just what it is and make you EXPLODE in the gym. You will get huge pumps from it’s insane amount of energy/focus provided. These pumps are some of the best I have gotten from a PWO – unfortunately NO Xplode didnt alike to my taste buds to well – but I can stomach it.


White Flood PWO  8.5/10

50 Servings
NO Creatine
Good energy/focus
Great Value!

White Flood is a great PWO for those who don’t need creatine in a supplement before workouts. It has a great value of 50 servings for just $30 – way more servings then most PWO’s! And cheaper! But it still mixes great, and provides a great increase to energy and focus. A good PWO!


Platinum PRE  7/10

Has Beta Alanine
No Creatine
ON Brand trusted
Energy is good

Platinum PRE is a new PWO from Optimum Nutrition – a very trusted brand in the supplement industry. It’s decently priced and provides some good energy/pump, with no crash. It tasted decent, but later in my workout I had a spicey taste in my mouth, which I later found out this product includes beat juice powder and grape seeed extract (spicey taste)


ON Essential Amino Energy  9/10

Sugar Free
No Creatine
Great Taste/Mixibility
Natural Clean Energy
Has Beta Alanine

ON Essential Amino isn’t really a dedicated PWO – its more of a product to mix in with water to get some BCAAS. But it does contain beta alanine and some great energy, and can be used as a PWO. I used it as a PWO for a few months and really enjoyed the energy/focus it provided. It’s cheap too and can make a great alternative to spending more on a PWO.


1MR PWO  7/10

Extreme Focus
Increase Energy/Endurance
Horrible Taste

1MR has been around a while and you either love it or hate it. It provides a huge increase to energy/focus and will increase your muscular endurance. The down side is it tastes really bad and gave me a big crash. I got tolerant to it very fast as well. For the time that it works, it’s pretty extreme, if you can deal with a crash.


HEMO-RAGE Black Ultra Concentrate  8/10

$31 for 30 servings
Increased Focus/Concentration
Flavor is alright
Has Creatine/Beta Alanine

HEMO-RAGE is a PWO that prides itself on only needing 1 scoop to feel the effects, opposed to other PWO’s that might take 2,3 or even 4 scoops. This PWO is pretty balanced with a clean feeling on the energy.


Jon Bannister Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon

More on Pre-Workouts

What is a Pre-Workout Supplement

Top 10 Gas Dryers

The term sounds familiar – Pre-Workout – the time before a workout? But a Pre-Workout is actually a type of supplement used before a workout, to give you a huge boost in energy/focus and much more. How can this help you?… [more]

Related to Supplements

Best Protein Powder

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Protein Powder is a great supplement for someone looking to put on mass or even just get a good extra amount of protein in an easy to drink form. They’re tons of different protein powders on the market and we picked our favorite brands for you… [more]

Can I build muscle with protein powder?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Whey Protein is a special form of protein powder which is a by product from cheese. It gets separated from the cheese and goes through a purification/scientific process to make a dry powder form. It is a supremely good source of protein and called the “gold standard” of protein… [more]

What are the different types of protein?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Protein comes in many different names, blends, and types. How do you know which one is the right one for you?… [more]

Related to Muscle Building/Training

Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

Best Protein Powder Thu, 25 Oct 2012 09:24:09 +0000 Top 10 Rated Protein Powder Supplements 2024


Protein Powder is a great supplement for someone looking to put on mass or even just get a good extra amount of protein in an easy to drink form. They’re tons of different protein powders on the market and we picked our favorite brands for you.

We based our list on:

1) Quality of the blend
2) Companies Reputation
3) Banned Substance Free Protein Blends
4) Taste
5) Blend-ability
6) After-Taste
7) Effectiveness
8) Type of protein blend
9) Cost
10) Servings

Optimum Nutrition 100% Whey  10/10

$52 for 5.15lb tub – Price/Serving A+
23G of protein per serving
Blend: Whey Isolate, Whey Concentrate, Whey Peptide
ON is a respected/safe brand in industry

Probably one of our favorites, ON is a great brand in the supplement industry who always cranks out quality/safe products. The 5.15lb tub runs $52 which is a great deal for serving/price ration. This Whey Isolate protein powder is a blend of Whey Isolate, Whey Concentrate, and Whey Peptide. With 23g of protein per serving.


BSN Syntha-6 Protein Powder  8.5/10

Blend of 6 fast,medium,slow digesting proteins
No soy
5G of fiber per serving
5.04lbs for $45
22G of protein per serving

Syntha-6 protein is a great blend of proteins which you can take any time for great results. Before bed due to it’s blend of slow digesting proteins. The addition of 5G of fiber per serving is great – and at $45 for 5lbs its also a great deal.


MusclePharm Combat Powder  9.5/10

4lbs for $39
5 Different protein blends
Fast, Slow, medium digesting proteins
Great blend
1-Stop-All Protein Powder

MusclePharm has been putting out great supplements and Combat Powder is another one. With a great price and a even better blend of proteins – this powder is great for any occasion. You’ll find a blend of standard why isolate, hydrolyzed whey, micellar casein, whey concentrate, egg albumen, and more. A truly great product and one of our favorites!


Dymatize Elite Whey  8.5/10

5lb $49
Great Flavors
Mixes Great
Good ratio blend-ability

Great for people watching carb intake (on diets) – this protein tastes great, has great value, mixes great, and features a good blend of quality ingredients. You can’t go wrong!


Myotech Probiotic Protein  8/10

Perfect between meals and pre/post workout
Mixes easily/good
6 protein blend-ability
Gluten/Aspartame free
24G of protein per serving
Tastes alright

A decent protein powder that is gluten/aspartame free – it tastes alright and mixes pretty darn good. It’s about $49 for 5lb which is a good deal – not a bad supplement that is easy to find. Myotech makes some good products, this is one!


Trutein Protein  9/10

5lbs $56
25G of protein per serving
2.5g of fiber
Omega-3 included
No sugar/Sodium

This is a great product that people overlook because it doesn’t have a flashy label like others or huge marketing. Trutein has a great balanced blend of Whey, Micellar Casein, and Egg white proteins – making it a great any time protein drink filled with protein and even Omega-3’s


Monster Milk  8.8/10

50G of protein!
310 Calories
5G Fiber
3G Creatine

Monster Milk is more of a weight gainer – with it’s huge serving of 50G of protein and 310 calories. You also get some creatine, BCAAs, L-Glutamine, and more. We cant lie, this tastes great – but only use this if you really need it.


Nitro-Tech Protein  8.5/10

30g protein per serving
1-2g carbs
3g creatine

Just a good solid protein powder (30g per serving) that has creatine in it also. Kill two birds with one stone – a 4lb tub is a bit pricey at $59 – but your paying for that creatine monohydrate (which is CREAPURE)


Muscle Milk Protein  8.0/10

32g Protein per serving
Fast/Slow Digesting Proteins
Lactose Free formula

Muscle Milk is very popular – you see the drinks at every gas station. The actual powder is good stuff too. Lactose free formula is great for people who normally get upset stomachs over protein. Just under $50 for 4lbs is a decent price for a lot of protein per serving.


Optimum Nutrition Pro Complex  8/10

60g of protein
Big blend of protein
Thick taste
For ultimate mass

ON again is one of the best supplement CO’s on the market. This is more like a mass gainer with a whopping 60g of protein per serving – protein blend includes 8 different sources for fast and slow digesting proteins.


Jon Bannister Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon

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Whey Protein is a special form of protein powder which is a by product from cheese. It gets separated from the cheese and goes through a purification/scientific process to make a dry powder form. It is a supremely good source of protein and called the “gold standard” of protein… [more]

What are the different types of protein?

Top 10 Gas Dryers

Protein comes in many different names, blends, and types. How do you know which one is the right one for you?… [more]

Related to Muscle Building/Training

Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

How to get fit with a workout plan Thu, 18 Oct 2012 10:45:24 +0000 So you want to get fit but don’t want to pay for a personal trainer? well luckily you can be your own personal trainer. Getting on a workout plan isn’t as hard and complicated as people make it look.

I want to get fit

Now you will need a good aid to help you – a plan to follow. This is where the aid of a workout plan book or DVD set comes into play. This is your ticket to getting fit. The benefits of following one of these workout plans opposed to just making one up can be huge. 99% of workout plans are tested guaranteed to work, with effort. (no slacking)

We put together a list of some of our favorite workout plans that will get you in great shape – you can check those out here.

Picking a plan

Picking the correct workout plan really depends on your goals. They’re numerous different plans that can use to achieve different goals. Losing fat, building muscle, toning muscle, increasing endurance, increasing strength, sports training, etc.

Most beginner type workout plans such as INSANITY or P99X (don’t confuse beginner with easy!) will help you lose fat, build muscle, gain strength, and much more. So be sure to chose a plan that will hit your goals. More focused on just gaining strength? Look for a plan that focuses on strength gain/lifting weights more. Want to just lose weight? Look for a program focusing on just that.

Following the plan

Just picking the workout plan isn’t the end of it. It takes hard work, consistency, and dedication to achieve your goals. Many people simply buy a workout plan, watch it twice, and workout twice – and expect results. You need to really commit to the plan and follow it 100%.

If it has you work out 4 times a week – workout 4 times a week. If it has you doing 50 jumping jacks, do 50 jumping jacks. If it requires you to eat 3000 calories a day, eat 3000 calories a day (in healthy food) – don’t cut corners!

Will it hit diets too?

Most workout plans will include a diet plan as getting in shape leans on your diet immensely. This is probably the most important factor of your plan. You need to follow the included nutrition plan like it’s your bible.

A good workout plan such as P90X or INSANITY includes a nutrition guide and calendar to help you schedule and track your meals.

How long is it?

That depends on the workout plan and your goals. Something like INSANITY or P90X is 90 days long (3 months) – which will seem like enough. But once you complete the program, don’t be scared to go through it again. And again, and again.

Or take what you learned, and apply it to your life and live healthier!

Don’t be scared or intimidated. You can achieve your goals and the body you want if you are 100% dedicated and focused! Good luck!

Related Workout Plan Articles

Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

Workout Plan or Personal Trainer?

Workout Plan or Personal Trainer?

We all want to be shredded, ripped, faster, stronger, or have that famous 6 pack of albs. But many of us cheat, we eat bad, don’t workout, or are not frequent. The first step in getting ripped or that 6 pack is commiting to some sort of plan. Working out alone, twice a week isn’t enough… [more]

Workout Plan or Personal Trainer? Mon, 15 Oct 2012 09:37:06 +0000

We all want to be shredded, ripped, faster, stronger, or have that famous 6 pack of albs. But many of us cheat, we eat bad, don’t workout, or are not frequent. The first step in getting ripped or that 6 pack is commiting to some sort of plan. Working out alone, twice a week isn’t enough.

The health industry is over whelming and the amount of phony info out there on how to get ripped. You can lose a lot of money buying bogus supplements, workout DVD’s, books, and trainers and get no results.

Since it’s overwhelming many people resort to a personal trainer – which at it’s core can get pretty expensive. $25 – $100 a sessions, multiple times a week?! Yikes! Though you might get great results , why pay that much?

Try looking at a Workout Plan – either a DVD box set or Book. DVD sets are great and are like having a virtual personal trainer – no need to hire a real one. And save TONS of money.

$100 can get you a great 90 day workout program such as INSANITY or P90X. Check out are list of the top 10 workout plans to get started today!

Related Top 10 Lists

Top 10 Workout Plans

Top 10 Workout Plans

Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit…. [more]

How to get fit with a workout plan

Top 10 Workout Plans

So you want to get fit but don’t want to pay for a personal trainer? well luckily you can be your own personal trainer. Getting on a workout plan isn’t as hard and complicated as people make it look….. [more]

Best Workout Plans Fri, 12 Oct 2012 12:46:18 +0000 Top 10 Rated Workout Plans 2024


Whether you want ripped abs, bigger muscles, or to just live healthier – a workout plan that is set in stone can help you achieve the results you want. A constant plan that you can follow will be much more valuable and yield more results then just winging some made up program in your head. If you want results, you need to commit to a good plan.

We found a variety of different workout plans that work great – some are DVD’s and some are books – some provide a nutritional plan as well as other components. If your serious about getting in shape or just being healthier, then take the time to read our list and decide for yourself.

INSANITY 60 Day Total Body Workout  9.5/10

60 Day Workout Program
DVD Guided Workout
Nutritional Guide
Online Support Tools
Get Stronger, Faster, Leaner

INSANITY is just that, INSANE! But for some of the fastest results in one of the most intense programs, it’s worth being a little insane. Trainer Shaun T provides 60 days with 10 workout videos that increase the intensity with each workout. Also included is a nutrition guide and calendar to track your progress. INSANITY produces results, IF you can handle it.


P90X 90-Day Extreme Workout  9.5/10

90-Day Workout Program
DVD Guided
Nutritional Guide
Get lean, bulk up, get stronger, get shredded

P90X is another crazy 90 day DVD program similar to INSANITY. It is just as intense and yields just as good results. Get lean, bulk up, get stronger, and stay motivated. You get a collection of 12 highly diverse workout DVDs breaking down each workout for you. Also included is the very needed nutrition plan. Tony Horton has a great attitude and comes off as a very motivational guy in the workout videos. Put in the work and youll see great results with P90X.


George St-Pierre 8 Week RUSHFIT  9/10

8 Week Workout Plan
High Intensity
Train core, strength, endurance, EVERYTHING!

George St-Pierre is a UFC champion and his new Workout Plan DVD series is actually really good, also called RUSHFIT. Training calendar for beginner, intermediate, and advanced people, workout guide on DVD, and nutrition guide. Not to mention George keeps the intensity high, but has you train like a champion. You will train strength and endurance, abdominal and core, explosive power, balance and agility, and even a fight conditioning workout. Great to get in shape, and for people who want to fight.


ChaLEAN Extreme Workout Plan  9/10

90 Day Workout Plan
Burn fat, Get Lean
Hit core power, cardio, and more

ChaLEAN Extreme Workout DVD Program will burn fat, boost your metabolism, and get you into a lean mean fighting machine. A series of DVD’s with workouts ranging from burning fat, to pushing exercises, getting lean, cardio, and your core. This program is designed simply to burn fat and get lean, while also building a little muscle. A great program with great instruction you can do at home.


Power 90: 90-Day Workout Plan  9/10

90 Days Workout Plan
Burn fat, build strength
Nutritional Plan
DVD Series

Another version of P90X with Tony Horton – a just as great workout plan which will yield fat burning results and strength gain. Go through circuits in the DVD series and in 30 minutes a day challenge yourself to things youve never done. A fantastic meal plan is included, calendar, transformtion tracker, and much more. This is a great program we can;t recommend enough!


10 Minute Trainer: Workout Plan for Busy People  8.5/10

Workout Plan to follow for however long you want
For busy people
Quick 10 minute intense workout

Are you busy and only have a few minutes to workout? This program takes just 10 minute workouts and gets your shreded at home. In one insanely intense and fast routine you will burn fat, tone your body, and do abs all in one. It’s easy to follow and comes with a set of resistance bands, workout calendar, and more. A great plan for those with a busy life.


INSANITY 30-Day Sport Workout Plan  8.5/10

Workout Plan for sports players
30 Days
Shaun T Instructor

If you are playing sports this is a GREAT workout plan from Shaun T of INSANITY. You will focus on conditioning and training for sports: endurance, power, strength, and more. 6 DVD’s to teach you to move and feel like a football running back or all-star guard. This program will increase your speed, power, agility, and coordination. A great program for high-school kids in sports or anyone wanting to take it to the next level.


Men’s Health Maximum Muscle Workout Plan  8.5/10

From Mens Health
12 Week workout plan

Mens Health releases this great 12 week workout plan book. This program will replaced outdated myths with the newest finding in strength training. Lift heavier and get ripped. Hundreds of exercises tailored to your lifestyle and body type. If you dont want to spend $100+ for a DVD workout program this book is a great supplement to help kick you in shape.


101 Muscle Building Workouts and Nutritional Plans  8/10

4 weeks to 3 months
Excersises and meal suggestions
Book program

A simple book showing you 101 different workout and nutrition plans, all backed by scientific research. Multiple programs are covered from short 4 week to long 3 month programs. Meal plans and more also in this book. A great simple way to get started in getting ripped.


Men’s Health Big Book of Excercises  8/10

4 week plan
Core and Cardio focused
400+ page book program

This book from Mens Health features tons of essential workouts to get a better body. For beginners and long time workout fanatics this book features 400+ pages of great advice to a greater body. 4 weeks to hit every muscles in the body and core+cardio.


Jon Bannister Jon Bannister has always had an interest in the latest technology and gadgetry. A graduate of the Georgia Tech computer science program, Jon has a very technical and working knowledge on how computers interact with and improve… See more about Jon

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Workout Plan or Personal Trainer?

Workout Plan or Personal Trainer?

We all want to be shredded, ripped, faster, stronger, or have that famous 6 pack of albs. But many of us cheat, we eat bad, don’t workout, or are not frequent. The first step in getting ripped or that 6 pack is commiting to some sort of plan. Working out alone, twice a week isn’t enough… [more]

How to get fit with a workout plan

Top 10 Workout Plans

So you want to get fit but don’t want to pay for a personal trainer? well luckily you can be your own personal trainer. Getting on a workout plan isn’t as hard and complicated as people make it look….. [more]

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Top 10 Diets

The following diets are ranked by effectiveness in losing weight. Eating and dieting is a way of life in America and this list gets down and dirty with some diets that work – for us at least. The following is our opinion of the best most effective diets, picked between a wide variation… [more]

Top 10 Online Travel Sites Wed, 28 Mar 2012 12:27:26 +0000 Top 10 Online Travel Sites 2024

There are a variety of travel sites that either help people book flights, hotels, and ground transportation or allow them to share their travel experiences and connect with friends. Some travel sites provide a combination of the two functions. We looked at a number of travel sites and analyzed them based on the following criteria:

• Ease of navigation and use
• In-depth, honest users’ reviews and tips
• Information on local attractions and restaurants
• Descriptions of hotel amenities
• Comparable rates and good deals on vacation packages
• Allows users to submit their own photos, experiences, and reviews
• Provides secure, reliable travel booking and information
• Highlights the little-known locations as well as the best-known destinations

• One of the world’s largest travel sites
• Attracts more than 65 million visitors a month
• Features more than 93,000 destinations, 520,000 hotels, and 715,000 restaurants

A comprehensive travel site that helps you search for flights, hotels, restaurants, and attractions all over the world, is a trusted tool for planning… read more

• Online travel site and blog platform that reviews over 9,000 destinations
• Has over 1 million travel reviews and photos
• Developed in 2005 is more than a travel booking site; it’s also a platform for members’ blogs, photos, stories, and tips, providing visitors with personalized… read more

• A fast-growing travel social networking site
• Wayn stands for “Where are you now?”
• Involved in 193 countries with over 17 million members

Today the young people who love to network with friends have the opportunity to share their travel experiences with others around… read more

• Features over 140,000 hotels in 60 countries
• Includes a 24-hour call center
• Includes an affiliate program
• An affiliate of Expedia, Inc.

Whether you’re traveling with the family or going on a business trip, it’s nice to know you are booked at a hotel that meet… read more

• Its goal is to provide information for every attraction on the planet
• Founded in 1995

Most travel sites provide information on hotels, restaurants, and attractions in far-flung reaches of the world, but neglect the… read more

• A popular online travel agency
• Suited for planning business or leisure trips
• Has over 20 sites across the world to offer localized deals

One of the leading online travel agencies, allows you to plan your trip—from the flights, hotel, rental cars… read more

• Developed to showcase the world’s most unusual and bizarre hotels
• Provides an online community
• Highlights experiential hotels that in and of themselves justify the trip

If you’re looking for a wholly unique experience the next time you travel, check out… read more

• A website that helps you find work, schools, and housing abroad
• Founded in 1998

If you’re a student or recent graduate feeling the stirrings of wanderlust, could provide you with a unique experience abroad… read more

• An auction travel site that specializes in hotels, flights, ground transportation, and cruises
• Features over 80,000 hotels around the world
• Includes affiliate programs

For the traveler looking for the best deals, is a useful tool that lets you place bids on hotels and flights… read more

• A popular discount travel site
• Helps book unsold hotel rooms, rental cars, and flight seats at low prices
• Started in 2000

If you have a dream destination you’d love to visit, can keep track of travel costs and alert you when the … read more


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Booking Trips on a Budget: Comparing Priceline and Hotwire

Buy the Right Golf Ball to Lower Your Golf Handicap

Everyone enjoys a vacation every now and then; the challenge is finding good deals on flights, hotels, and ground transportation. Many online travel site let you search for fair prices and make arrangements from the comfort of your home…. [more]

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If you’re young, footloose, and fancy free, you can still stay connected with friends and family back home through online social networking sites designed specifically for travelers. More and more travel agent sides are implementing social networking… [more]

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Whether you’re flying for business or pleasure, there are techniques you can use to get the best deals on flights online… [more]

]]> 0 Review Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:53:58 +0000
Travel Websites  7.5/10 Travel Website Review and Logo
For the traveler looking for the best deals, is a useful tool that lets you place bids on hotels and flights. You can bid what you think the trip is worth and hope you luck out with a great deal. Priceline doesn’t charge you booking or cancellation fees, and it does its best to help you out with last-minute travel plans. It’s nice being able to book a rental car and tickets to see a show or attraction all in advance. Users leave generally positive feedback; they suggest being open to unusual flight times if you want to capitalize on the deals offered. The website is fairly easy to navigate but could be overwhelming to newcomers.


Helps you find last-minute deals on hotel rooms, flights, cars, cruises, and vacation packages

You can find travel deals without bidding or guessing at prices

Possible to save a lot on last-minute trips

The affiliate program pays you every month you receive a commission with no minimum payment threshold

The affiliate program pays you every month you receive a commission with no minimum payment threshold


No Refunds

Doesn’t share the name of the hotel you’ve selected until after you’ve paid

Has no control over which room the hotel gives you (i.e., number of beds, smoking/non, etc.)

]]> 0 Review Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:52:04 +0000
Travel Websites  8/10 Travel Website Review and Logo
For the traveler looking for the best deals, is a useful tool that lets you place bids on hotels and flights. You can bid what you think the trip is worth and hope you luck out with a great deal. Priceline doesn’t charge you booking or cancellation fees, and it does its best to help you out with last-minute travel plans. It’s nice being able to book a rental car and tickets to see a show or attraction all in advance. Users leave generally positive feedback; they suggest being open to unusual flight times if you want to capitalize on the deals offered. The website is fairly easy to navigate but could be overwhelming to newcomers.


Helps you find deals on hotels, flights, rental cars, and travel packages

No booking or cancellation fees from Priceline

Lets you search cruise options and bid on hotel prices

Lets you search cruise options and bid on hotel prices

Offers enticing deals and savings

Available as an app, on Facebook, and Twitter

Last-minute hotel deals


You have to be flexible and accept flight times at odd hours

Better for last-minute trips than carefully planned family vacations

You have to spend time bidding, and if an airline accepts your bid, your credit card is automatically charged

]]> 0 Review Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:50:02 +0000
Travel Websites  8/10 Travel Website Review and Logo
If you’re a student or recent graduate feeling the stirrings of wanderlust, could provide you with a unique experience abroad. Developed in 1998 by some travelers in Europe, the website helps users find schools, housing, and jobs all over Europe. Whether you want time to see the world and learn a new language or you’re ready to find your dream job in an exotic locale, you can read helpful reviews from other travelers. They describe the activities, nightlife, and general atmosphere of particular locations and provide invaluable tips.


Helps users learn a language of choice

Students and recent graduates can find work anywhere in Europe

Offers services for free and extra help for a price

Provides users with unique travel experiences and global job opportunities

Destinations have in-depth reviews from other travelers and students

With premiere membership, you can submit your resume for positions abroad


Busy website layout

Limited to Europet

Some services are available only with a paid membership

]]> 0 Review Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:47:45 +0000
Travel Websites  8.5/10 Travel Website review and Travel Website review and logo
If you’re looking for a wholly unique experience the next time you travel, check out, a website that catalogs all the bizarre, unique, and thrilling hotels across the world. View large pictures of treehouses, igloos, underground caverns, and railcar B&Bs. The site is well organized, giving you the chance to search for hotels by destination or by category: family-friendly, romantic, adventurous, artsy, etc. Visitors to the hotels provide feedback, tips, and stories, so you’ll know if a hotel is really worth the trip. It’s worth checking out the site just to view the amazing photos.


Fun, enticing photos and videos of unusual hotels

Includes detailed descriptions and users’ feedback

Locations with a lot of negative reviews get pulled from the site

Offers rates and booking information

Highlights choices for child-friendly trips, thrills, or romantic getaways

Lets you discover remote gems tucked away from public notice


Not all locations provide the best experience (but reviewers will let you know)

]]> 0 Review Wed, 28 Mar 2012 11:45:45 +0000
Travel Websites  8.5/10 Travel Website review and logo
One of the leading online travel agencies, allows you to plan your trip—from the flights, hotel, rental cars, and activities—all from your computer. Whether you’re traveling on business or packing up the family to go to DisneyWorld, Expedia strives to offer the lowest prices available. Booking flights to multiple destinations may or may not be a convenient process; sometimes it’s actually cheaper to book each flight individually instead of together. But Expedia is a trusted resource for making travel plans. It already includes hotel reviews from real-life travlers, and it plans to integrate social networking features such as friends’ suggestions, photos, and favorites.


Allows you to book flights and hotels together and save on prices

Offers a reward program ideal for frequent travelers

Shows hotel reviews written by real-life travelers

Has plans to integrate bloggers’ travel information and photos to make the site more social

Features popular destinations and high-quality hotels

Offers tickets to popular shows and attractions


For multi-city itineraries, it may be cheaper to book flights individually than all together

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